800g condensed milk
2 packets of plain biscuits (Morning Coffee or Digestives)
100g walnuts
150g hazelnuts and almonds, crushed
200g glacé cherries
100g raisins, chopped
100g dates, chopped
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
1 tablespoon ground nutmeg
1 tablespoon ground cloves
100g bar of plain milk chocolate
2 tablespoons of brandy
Crush one packet of biscuits finely in a food processor and the other by placing it on a tea towel and banging on a table.
In a large bowl, mix the nuts, cherries, spices, raisins, cloves and dates together. Once combined, pour the condensed milk over the mix and use your hands to combine it properly.
Form the mixture into a round cylindrical log shape. Cover in cling and refrigerate overnight, or for at least 12 hours.
Remove from refrigerator and cover the log in melted chocolate. Wait until the chocolate has set and then serve.